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URA Championship Regatta RulesCompetitionThis event is an invitational regatta for university club crew programs whose varsity sports programs compete at the NCAA Division III level. Participants for each team must be bona fide members of that university’s club crew program. Crew clubs are invited this year from those universities whose varsity athletic programs compete in the University Athletic Association (UAA). Invited programs include:
• Brandeis University However, this event is not officially sanctioned nor recognized by the UAA or NCAA.
Regatta Web Site
Registration and Entry InformationAll entries will be made through the Regatta Organizer. Please try and provide your final entry information on or before noon on the Wednesday before the regatta (so we can distribute a preliminary race schedule). There tends to be a bunch of adjusting of the race day schedule leading up to the race to accommodate hot seating. The sooner you can send in your entries the better. Email or phone entries are acceptable. There are no cash entry fees this year. In lieu of cash, crews will be expected to bring shirts for betting for 8's and varsity 4 races. Teams should be willing to provide volunteers throughout the day for various duties. Shirts can be exchanged after each race or during the awards ceremony at the end of the day. Bring extra shirts if you’d just like to swap as well.
Trailer ParkingAmple parking is available in Eagle Creek Park near the Indianapolis Rowing Center. Eagle Creek Park opens at 7am and there is a $6 entry fee for cars and $15 for buses. Park map here. You can see the "Rowing Center" listed in the lower left of the first page of the PDF. We are racing in a State Park, so every team should take care to not leave trash or damage the site in any way.
Check InCheck in Will begin at 7:15 am the morning of the race. Please check in at the registration stand or with the regatta director upon arrival. Waivers (standard USRowing) should be brought to the race and delivered upon checking in. Participation in this event is an acceptance of associated risk.
Coaches and CoxswainsThe Coach & Coxswain meeting will be held at 7:30am the morning of the regatta. Races will begin launching as close to 8:30 am as possible or after sunrise. A heat sheet and updated race schedule will be provided at the meeting. Coxswains will not be weighed.
EligibilityAny rower that meets the criteria for that's university's club sport participation guidelines is eligible to race. The rower must also be a legitimate, paid-in-full member of the team. These criteria allow participation by graduate students.
JV & 2nd Crews
A Junior Varsity (JV) crew may not enter the open/varsity event of the same boat class (e.g. a rower can't row in both the varisty and JV 4+).
Similarly with the novice events if two flights of the same novice boat class are offered. Generally, the fours are oversubscribed since
coaches want to race multiple fours in an event. When entries warrant, we will try and offer a separate JV/2nd boat event. There are two
possibilities for JV/2nd boat events and for each instance the regatta director and coaches will agree on a format before the regatta:
LightweightsRower's weights will be based on the honor system with no individual male rower exceeding 160lbs or female rower exceeding 130lbs. Athletes will not be weighed on the day. If a rower/coach is found to have violated the honor system, the offending crew will be disqualified. Suspect rowers may be asked to weigh in at any point during the day.
NovicesA Novice event is open to rowers in their first year of any competition. Novice status is separate for sweep and sculling. Crews entered in Novice events shall include only novice rowers. A novice coxswain is not required to cox a novice entry.
All teams will need to provide their own bow numbersPlease bring bow numbers for all of you crews. Generally multiple copies for Lanes 0 to 7.
Course & AwardsThe course will be 2000 meters long (6 lanes) and will begin with a floating start. Medals (gold, silver & bronze) will be awarded for each race including any races held for B-only crews. Men’s teams will be competing for the Case Alumni Cup and women’s teams for the Chicago Alumni Cup. The team point cups will be based on the agreed upon scoring system (see Team Points). Other challenge cups include: the Milikowsky Cup for men’s lightweight four, the Barry Cup for women's novice eight, the Kesten Cup for men's novice four, and the Rathburn Cup for men’s pair. All challenge cups will be held by the regatta director, but the winners of the team cups will receive plaques for permanent display in their boathouse or athletic facility. Click here for a listing of previous challenge cup winners. In the tradition of collegiate championship racing, crews are expected to give their racing shirts to the winners of the event in which they participated. This practice is expected, but not mandatory. There will be an awards presentation at the end of the day for individual event medals and the team point trophies. Please, ensure your teams stick around for the presentation. We will be taking event and team photos.
Rules & ArbitrationThis is a race organized for the benefit of the student athletes by the coaches and school supporters. The race is meant as an early season tune up for the participating schools and is informal in nature. Since the race is run by and for the schools, coaches with the help of the officiating staff will be responsible for settling any disputes in a sportsmanlike manner. Let’s all enjoy a great day of racing.
Launching & CourseThe Eagle Creek regatta site will have ample dock space. There will be plenty of time between races so it is each crew’s responsibility to report to the starting area on time. Since ample time will be given, late crews will be assessed a false start if late to the start. Launch with bows leading away from shore traveling north along the east shore to the start line. Buoy lines will not be installed for our regatta and we will use the normal start area and finish tower for the 2,000m course.
VolunteersEach team is expected to provide at least two people to be available for volunteer duties throughout the day. Every year head coaches will take a leadership role in the regatta and be responsible for the major portions of the regatta operation. Support volunteers are to report to the check-in area at 6:00am on race day. Coaches will be running around in a crazed manner per the usual…
Major Areas of Responsibility:
Regatta Organizer Contact Information
Doug Rathburn