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University Rowing Association Championship Regatta

Lake Arthur • Moraine State Park • Pennsylvania

March 29, 2009

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2009 Chicago Alumni Cup Champions
University of Rochester

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2009 Case Alumni Cup Champions
Emory University

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From left to right: Doug Rathburn, Head Coach Cameron Carter, Ricky Soukup, Avi Glandon, Coxswain Sarah Kuritzkes, Chris Harris, Kirk Altman, and Georgia Bullen from Carnegie-Mellon presenting the trophy

Milikowsky Cup for Men's Lightweight Four with Coxswain
2009 Winners - Washington University in St. Louis

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From left to right: Doug Rathburn, Vince Lepeltier (Stroke), Steffen Haider (Bow) and Head Coach Will Greene

Rathburn Cup for Men's Pair without Coxswain
2009 Winners - University of Rochester

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From left to right: Doug Rathburn, John Pasinski from WashU presenting the Trophy, Jordan Entin (Bow), Lindsey Lozito (Stroke), Kathrine Chew (Cox), Miranda Timonin (6), Gryte Satas (5), Theresa Paine (7), Elizabeth Riley (2), Angela Goodiel (4), Jill Smith (3)

Barry Cup for Women's Novice Eights
2009 Winners - Washington University in St. Louis

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From left to right: Doug Rathburn, Bryce Miller (Stroke), Michael Offerman (2), Sara Michaels (Cox), Justin Segura (Bow), Todd Anderson (3) and Dave DeIuliis from Bradeis presenting the trophy

Kesten Cup for Men's Novice Four with Coxswain
2009 Winners - Washington University in St. Louis

Information about the annual regatta trophies

Setting Up the Day Before the Regatta

Filling BuoysFilling Buoys

Carnegie-Mellon assistant coach, Chris Highley, helping to fill the buoys.

Finish Line

My wife took this photo of me setting up the finish line site markers.

Pat and Erynn

Pat and Erynn hanging out while we get all of the gear set up to lay the buoys.

WashU Unloading Trailer

WashU unloading their trailer the day before the regatta. They always come the day before to lend a hand setting up.

WashU Team Practice

Getting to the regatta early has the advantage of being able to practice. After unloading their boats WashU went out for some water time. True to form the weather was really nice the day before and miserable the day of the regatta.

WashU Pair

The WashU men's pair launching for a practice row. Apparently the water was warmer than the previous year.

Race Day Photos

Regatta Trucks

The trailer parking area.

Case Women 8Case Novice Men 4

The Case Women's Varsity 8+ and the Men's Novice 4+. It rained a bit on race day...
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Awards Ceremony

Huddled Masses

The Huddled Masses

I was pretty busy at this year's race and the weather too terrible to break out the camera so I didn't take as many photos as usual. If any participants have photos they'd like to add to the site just send them to the me and I'll do my best to get them up.

More 2009 URA Photos

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Mail any comments or additional photos to: doug@rathburn.net
Last updated 4/3/2009