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Eagle Creek Invitational Regatta

Indianapolis Rowing Center • Eagle Creek Park • Indiana

April 3, 2004

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2004 Chicago Alumni Cup Champions
University of Rochester

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2004 Case Alumni Cup Champions
Washington University in St. Louis

Here are some random pictures of crews loading their boats after a long day battling the wind.

U. Chicago

University of Chicago


Carnegie-Mellon University


University of Rochester

Case Crew

Case Western Reserve University


Washington University in St. Louis

Here are some some of the coaches that made the day possible. Remember to thank them.


Coaches from Chicago and Rochester

starting line dynamic duo

Cameron and Fraser (The starting line dynamic duo)


Natalie Bolt: USRowing referee and Case alum


Amy, Erynn's sister, helped out loads too

Getting together after the race to talk, exchange shirts, and to present the awards and results will hopefully become a fixture of every race.

Cameron Speech Doug Speech

Cameron and Doug presenting the results

Rochester Captain1 Rochester Captain

U. Rochester Women's Captain accepting the Chicago Alumni Cup

WashU Captain

Wash U. Men's Captain accepting the Case Alumni Cup

UChicago Team Photo

UChicago Crew Team Photo

Huddled Masses

The Huddled Masses

If any participants have photos they'd like to add to the site just send them to the me and I'll do my best to get them up.

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Mail any comments or additional photos to: doug@rathburn.net
Last updated 5/1/2005